Licensed Affiliate of Davis Dyslexia Association International

Empowering Those
Who Learn Differently
Dyslexia – Dyspraxia – Maths – Attention Focus – Autism

For more information on Davis Method Programmes, Workshops and Trainings in the United Kingdom and Ireland please visit us at www.davismethod.co.uk
or call
UK T: +44 (0) 330 001 0680
IE T: +353 (0) 1 270 9863

Learning Difficulties, or Learning Differences?
There are some bright and creative people who thrive in conventional learning environments.
There are others - just as bright and creative - who do not.
Traditionally, dyslexia and related difficulties in areas such as reading, writing, maths, coordination and attention focus have been "clinicised" as quasi-medical disabilities. Autism and ADHD are thought of as intractable, lifelong difficulties that can be mitigated through drugs and/or therapies. Rarely are they thought of as personal assets.
Yet this view is coming under increasing scrutiny, coupled with growing awareness of the particular strengths that tend to come with these difficulties. Many of those who experience dyslexia, ADHD, autism or related learning issues display unusual creative talents, have vivid imaginations, come up with original solutions and can often "visualise" or "intuit".

Resolving left-right confusions, the clay way

When phonics don't work – making reading easy...

Revisiting the alphabet, the clay way

Resolving left-right confusions, the clay way
The Davis® Methods – Tailored Learning for Different Thinkers
Welcome to the Davis methods - a powerful hands-on system of learning, devised by a dyslexic and autistic individual, that utilises dyslexic and ADHD intelligence as a learning tool and that shows autistic individuals how to participate fully in life.
For four decades, our one-to-one intensive Programmes have been enabling children and adults - using their own natural talent - to overcome difficulties with literacy, numeracy, hand-eye coordination, handwriting, attention focus, energy management, and social interaction.
In the classroom, our approach successfully brings together learners of all different thinking styles, creating learning experiences which stimulate the academically able and protect the at-risk learner at the same time.
Follow Subiratha Sivakumaran's journey through the
Gift of Dyslexia Workshop
– now available to attend online
Louise and Tom Jameson talk of Tom's Davis Dyslexia Programme
Read more testimonials about the Davis Approach
S’s success at school (thus far) and his overall confidence and happiness is due to completing the Davis Programme. We are delighted with the outstanding improvements and can’t imagine where he would be without having completed the Programme.
I am absolutely bursting with excitement, so had to drop you a note to let you know! Having read to W. this evening for half an hour he begged me to read another chapter. Being desperate for a cup of tea, I said to him that if he wanted to know what happened next he could read it himself – HE DID! … he excitedly told me what had happened – so I know that he understood it as well! Thank you.
Dear Richard,
I thought it only fair to share some information about Eden Trainor whom you worked with several years ago. Eden came to your base with Lynn his mother and spent a week working with you...
Dear Margarita,
I am pleased to be able to share with you the progress that E has made following completion of the Davis Dyslexia programme.
E had been on the dyslexia pathway since he was 7 years old and as you know I had been searching alternative methods after the usual traditional techniques were failing...