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Picture-At-Punctuation – A Powerful Tool for Assimilating Facts in Reading
by Richard Whitehead


Picture-At-Punctuation is a simple technique drawn from the Davis Methods which enhances both comprehension and retention of what we read.


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The Role of Meaning in Education

by Richard Whitehead


“I know how to spell ‘elephant’!” the boy had suddenly, spontaneously blurted out with considerable pride.

“Really? Tell me.”


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The Dyslexic Blueprint for the Future of Education

37 Common Characteristics

by Ronald Davis


Most dyslexics will exhibit about 10 of the following traits and behaviours. These characteristics can vary from day-to-day or minute-to-minute. The most consistent thing about dyslexics is their inconsistency.


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Dyscalculia: Lifting the Lid
by Richard Whitehead

Dyscalculia is defined by as: “Impairment of the ability to solve mathematical problems, usually resulting from brain dysfunction.” It is probably as widespread as dyslexia and yet, curiously, is far less in the public awareness than its literacy cousin.


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A Dyslexic Child in the Classroom
by Patricia Hodge

Proficient reading is an essential tool for learning a large part of the subject matter taught at school. With an ever increasing emphasis on education and literacy, more and more children and adults are needing help in learning to read, spell, express their thoughts on paper and acquire adequate use of grammar.


A dyslexic child who finds the acquisition of these literacy skills difficult can also suffer a lot of anguish and trauma...


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Eight Dyslexic Talents

by Ronald Davis


Dyslexics don’t all develop the same gifts, but they do have certain mental functions in common. Here are the basic abilities all dyslexics share:


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Dyslexia… by @bryanMMathers is licensed under CC-BY-ND

Dyslexia in the Workplace - Turning a Problem into an Opportunity

by Richard Whitehead


“I found it harder to ‘come out’ in the workplace as having dyslexia, than my colleague did to ‘come out’ as being gay.”


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Investing in Dyslexia - A Guide to Choosing an Alternative Approach

by Richard Whitehead


Nowadays, parenting a dyslexic child can be confusing. A number of exciting new approaches to learning difficulties now exist, offering the prospect of rapid improvement of a kind that traditional methods cannot deliver.


Any alternative or private treatment Programme will involve financial outlay. How to be sure you have found the Programme that is right for your child?


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Feedback without Flattening
How to give children helpful feedback about their behaviour without damaging their self-esteem

by Richard Whitehead


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Brain Functioning, Spell-Reading, and Sweep-Sweep-Spell

by Abigail Marshall


Two of the most important Davis tools for building reading fluency and word recognition skills are Spell-Reading and Sweep-Sweep-Spell. During these reading exercises, the student reads a passage out loud in the company of his support person. When he encounters an unfamiliar word, ...


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Seven Ways To Assist A Struggling Learner – Without Increasing Your Workload

by Richard Whitehead


Primary teachers are busy people. They already apply to their work all of the time, energy and creativity that they possibly could.

The following simple ideas have been specifically devised so that their application should not increase your overall workload.


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